Above: Range Rover with a full satin black vinyl wrap

How Long Do Colour Change Wraps Last?

Generally speaking, high-quality vinyl wraps can last anywhere from 5-7 years, but there are a number of factors that can impact the lifespan of your wrap.

In this article we’ll cover the most important factors that influence how long your colour change wrap lasts for:

  • Use a high-quality vinyl wrap
  • Proper installation
  • Regular cleaning
  • Protect from sun exposure
  • Avoid harsh weather conditions
  • Address any issues promptly

While a high-quality vinyl wrap can last up to 7 years with proper care, it may be possible to extend the lifespan of your wrap even further by taking extra precautions and choosing a perfect custom wrap.

With so many options available from traditional vinyl wrap materials to the latest in ceramic coatings, a car wrap can is like most things – if you take care of it, it will last for a long long time.

Above: Porsche vinyl wrap installation process 

How to Extend The Life Of Your Wrap

When it comes to vinyl car wraps, there are a few important things to keep in mind if you want your wrap to last as long as possible. With proper care and maintenance, a high-quality wrap can last anywhere from 5-7 years, or even longer. But, without proper care, you could find yourself needing to replace your wrap in far less time.

So, how can you ensure that your wrap will last as long as possible? Here are our top tips for making your wrap last longer:

1. Choose a high-quality vinyl wrap

One of the most important factors in determining the lifespan of your car wrap is the quality of the material itself. High-quality vinyl wraps are designed to be durable, withstand the elements, and resist fading and peeling over time. When choosing a wrap, be sure to opt for a reputable brand with a proven track record of quality. At Outpacer, we recommend 3M or Avery Dennison as they are considered the best in the industry. Cheaper wraps may seem like a good idea at first, but they’re likely to wear out much more quickly than a higher-quality wrap.

2. Proper installation

Another crucial factor in the longevity of your vinyl wrap is the installation process. A properly installed wrap will adhere evenly to your vehicle’s surface and be less prone to bubbling and peeling over time. Make sure that your wrapping service uses high-quality materials and has experience working with all types of vehicles. Not to brag, but we’ve wrapped hundreds of vehicles, from construction equipment, to sports cars, to boats.

Check out our instagram for all the cool wraps we’ve done!

3. Regular cleaning

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to keeping your wrap looking like new for as long as possible. When washing your vehicle, use warm soap and water, and avoid using strong solvents or pressure washing, as both can cause damage to your wrap material over time. Be sure to wash your vehicle regularly to remove any road grime or debris that can build up on your wrap and cause damage over time.

4. Protect from sun exposure

Another factor that can significantly impact the lifespan of your wrap is sun exposure. UV rays from the sun can cause fading and peeling of your wrap over time, so it’s important to park your vehicle in a covered area whenever possible. If you live in an area with particularly strong sun exposure, consider adding a ceramic coating or other protective layer to your wrap to help reduce the impact of the sun’s rays.

5. Avoid harsh weather conditions

In addition to sun exposure, harsh weather conditions can also take a toll on your wrap. Extreme heat or cold can cause your wrap to expand or contract, which can lead to peeling or bubbling over time. If you live in an area with extreme temperatures, be sure to take extra precautions to protect your wrap from the elements. This may include adding a protective film or coating to your wrap, or simply parking in a covered area during extreme weather events.

6. Address any issues promptly

If you notice any issues with your vinyl wrap, such as bubbling or peeling, it’s important to address them promptly. Ignoring these issues can lead to further damage down the line, which can significantly decrease the lifespan of your wrap. If you’re not sure how to address a particular issue, don’t hesitate to reach out to your wrapping service for guidance. Catching and addressing problems early can go a long way in ensuring the longevity of your wrap.

It’s important to keep in mind that a wrap is an investment, and proper care and maintenance are crucial to ensuring that investment pays off over time. This may seem like a lot of work, but its a cost-effective alternative to traditional paint jobs which wear out much quicker over time.

By following the steps above, you can help ensure that your wrap lasts for years longer than the original paint.

Above: Cleaning & prepping for vinyl wrap installation

Proper Preparation

Proper preparation is key when it comes to ensuring that your new colour change wrap lasts as long as possible.

Prep Step 1: Before applying the vinyl wrap to your vehicle, its important to have a clean surface. Ideally you have taken your car to the wash and your vehicle is clean on arrival to our shop, but do not fret! We can do the cleaning ourselves if there are dirty spots we find.

Prep Step 2: Once your vehicle is squeaky clean, we then inspect the surface for any imperfections. This includes things like scratches, dents, and rust spots. If we notice any imperfections, it’s important to address them before applying the vinyl wrap. In some cases, this may involve sanding or filling in the imperfections to ensure a smooth surface for the wrap to adhere to.

Prep Step 3: Once the surface is dry, the next step is to apply the vinyl wrap. This typically involves laying the wrap onto the surface of the vehicle and smoothing it out using a squeegee or other tool. It’s important to take your time during this process and ensure that the wrap is applied evenly to the surface of the vehicle.

Above: Colour change vinyl wrap on Porsche car

When You Know It’s Time To Replace Your Wrap

When you first wrap your vehicle in a high-quality vinyl wrap, it seems like the material will last forever. But over time, even the most durable wraps will begin to show signs of wear and tear. When this happens, it’s important to know when it’s time to replace your wrap. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common signs that indicate it’s time for a new wrap, as well as some tips for prolonging the lifespan of your vinyl wrap.

As a general rule, most vinyl wraps will last between five and seven years before they need to be replaced. However, as we’ve covered, this lifespan can vary depending on its treatment. For example, full wraps tend to last longer than partial wraps, as there are less exposed edges

custom vinyl wrap using 3m satin black 2080 vinyl film
Above: Acura colour change with satin black wrap

The Wrap Up

The bottom line is that when you invest in a colour change wrap for your vehicle, you’re making a long-term investment in the appearance and value. By taking proper care of your wrap and promptly addressing any issues that arise, you can help ensure that your vehicle looks spectacular for years to come.

Give Outpacer a call today and get a worry-free quote on your colour change wrap. Our team is happy to help and answer all your questions!